Saturday, 15 October 2016

New Zealand | Part 2 : Million dollar cruise in Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown

okay, here we go

first things first, you cannot go to south island without visiting queenstown cause this place is amazing. it is surrounded by majestic snow capped mountains, sapphire blue lake and pure amazingness everywhere. (i'm repeating amazing way too much now but what to do, that word literally describes this place;) queenstown is famous for being the world's adventure capital. if you're an adrenaline junkie, this is the place for you mate! it got everything that you could've ever dream of doing, skydiving, bungee jumping, white water rafting, highspeed boat, parasailing, snowboarding etc you name it they got it. 

please bear in mind that all those adrenaline stuffs mentioned above is quite expensive. you need to allocate huge amount of money if you wanna do it. the nevis bungee jump can cost you about 100-200 NZD. but worry not, there are tons of other free and affordable activities that you can do. for a start you can always 'lepak' in front of lake wakatipu and walk through queenstown garden. you can also take the gondola ride which offers you a spectacular view of city and the lake. 

during our last trip we decided to do the Million Dollar Cruise in lake wakatipu which cost about 35 NZD per person. it was incredibly breathtaking cause you got amazing views everywhere thanks to the perfect bright and sunny winter weather.

the cruise was about two hours long, we got to see stunning view surrounding lake wakatipu and learn some historical background of queenstown.  the ship's the captain was so friendly and makes lots of dad jokes while explaining all the stuffs. ahahah. this area is basically where the rich and posh people in queenstown lived. how stunning is it?! they have snow capped mountain at the back and sapphire blue lake in front of their houses. this place is so cantiks, they got houses kat celah pokok pokok!! imagine waking up to this view every single day. waktu pagi boleh jog kat tepi tasik hirup udara segar. boleh hilang sekejap semua masalah duniawi... 

nak duduk kat sini pleasee. kalau dapat stay setahun kat sini pun dah cukup. 

if i'm not mistaken this is the queenstown hilton resort. kalau ada duit extra boleh lah kat situ stay satu dua or tiga malam. ahahahah

at the end of this cruise, my love for this place intensifies! ahahah. betul... i always knew that i would love queenstown even before going here. this cruise, it reaffirms my love for this place. the view is so stunning that it literally took my breath away. boleh termenung lama-lama tengok the view cause it's soooo majestic, subhanAllah!

okay, my NZ blogpost will be continued soon...?


*you can read my previous NZ blogpost here