Monday, 22 February 2016

Of cakes and (unreliable?!) app

yesterday before sending me off to college for good, we (as in me and my mak cu) decided to do a little detour. we wanted to go to a particular cake cafe located in section 9 shah alam. i bet most of you have already went or perhaps heard about cake jalan tiung cafe? fyi, that's the place that we're heading to yesterday. the story goes like this...

lepas je settle beli barang-barang balik hostel kat midvalley, we head off to shah alam. honestly saying, UM- shah alam takdelah jauh mana pun. kalau jalan clear takde jammed apa semua dalam 15/20 minit dah boleh sampai. tapi alkisahnya semalam, cehh konon-konon nak try guna this one app(here maps) habis pusing satu KL dia bawak. ahahahah. yang paling kelakar bila apps tu dah mula suruh u-turn waktu kat federal highway though kitaorang memang dah mengahala ke shah alam. time tu dah start rasa fishy dengan this app. tapi apakan daya, aku ni memang noob gila jalan kat KL. so mcm ooo maybe ada jalan shortcut kut. even my mak cu yang tahu jalan pun macam"okay kita try follow je apps ni". ni maybe because she's quite excited to use this app for the very first time(ye ke tak mak cu? correct me if i'm wrong eh) so last-last, sebab ikut apps la kan, we ended up kat somewhere in bukit petaling kat area rumah orang. tapi waktu tu positif lagi lah sebab ingatkan, ooo maybe dia ada branch kat sini kut. both of us were like "haaa mana kedainya?! ahahaha" . at that time we already realised this is a total crap. memang bukan kat sini lah!! asal la sengal sangat nak follow apps yang sesat dan menyesatkan niii. padahal both of us tahu la sikit nak pergi seksyen 9 shah alam. bila nak patah balik semula dah entah ke mana pergi, last-last pusing KL. kahakahkah 

waktu tu dah dekat pukul 5 petang kut. i was like, takpelah balik UM  je la terus. kalau tak dapat pergi harini. next time kan ada... though sebenarnya dalam hati ada sedikit keciwa. kahkah. but. mak cu was so optimistic. she convinced me that we can still make it despite the time is quite late.(takde lah lambat mana, tapi sebab nak kena drive balik chenor semula, so dia taknak lah balik lewat sangat) lepas sejam pusing-pusing melencong jauh dari jalan yang benar, we managed to get there  by using our own common sense and guided by the signboards (bak kata kata my lil bro irfan, cari jalan guna otak, bukan guna gadgets. hahah)

haa kau, dia punya feeling bila dah sampai memang rasa heck yeah!!! sampai pun!! setelah sesat dan disesatkan oleh apps yang entah pape tu. tbh, i've used the apps on several ocassions tapi sebelum ni elok je dia tunjuk jalan. tetibe semalam jadi karut gila. pfffffffffft dan dan je. bila dah masuk cafe apa semua terus hilang jap idea nak pilih cake yang mana cause our brain cannot comprehend what has happened. lawak pun ada, frust dengan diri sendiri pun ada because benda senang pun jadi complicated sebab nak depend on apps. pfffft. nonetheless, we still managed to achieve our main objective which is this...

tadaaaa . . .

yep, benda/cake mainstream bila pergi kat CJT. ahahahah. felt damn satisfied sebab lepas gak nak merasa even dah melencong jauh before sampai kat sini.

the verdict:

1)the salted caramel chocolate cake was nice. salted caramel dia sedap la gak, lemak masin gituhh. tapi chocolate cake dia biasa-biasa je kut. maybe because i'm not really a fan of chocolate cake.

2)the pavlova was also very nice. creme dia pun best. light je. not to muak or not to sweet.

3)idk why aku gatal nak order affogato. padahal takde la suka sangat coffee-based dessert. takat minum cafe con leche sekali sekala tu boleh la. puas ah gak nak habiskan affogato sebab bagi aku pahit gila. last last mampu habiskan ice cream dia je. ahahah

le morale of the story,
in a world filled with tons of savvy gadgets, we as humans must not solely depend on these things. i'm not saying that depending on gadget is a negative thing but sometimes instead of using these gadgets let's go back to basic and use our own capabilities to complete our task. christopher columbus dulu boleh je sampai america without using waze. hahah, jauh sangat dah melencong.

so that is it.


Sunday, 21 February 2016

Updates on new semester

hello there!

new semester starts today. yeay or nahh??

idk man. dari semalam lagi rasa takde mood nak hadap all the stuffs, lectures dan yang seangkatan dengannya. my schedule for this semester has been not so okay kut sebab kena daftar subjek yang hari exam dia back to back, and satu hari ada dua paper. i've been doing that since last semester and i effing hate it. takde masa nak rest jap before focussing on the next paper. itu dah satu hal. 

yang paling win, pencil case pun aku dah lupa letak kat mana. at first i thought that i left it at my college cause i can't seem to find it back home. bila cari semula, tak jumpa, kahkah. nampak sangat habis final haritu aku dah tak peduli dengan all things related to my studies. dia macam, since my finals is over, i'm fucking done with this crap. lols. pastu bila start sem baru semula mulahlah meraba-raba cari semula pencil case. 

another thing is about the forever delayed post about several trips that i made earlier. well am still working on it. entah bila lah boleh siap. asyik masuk draft je. ahahah. 

sooo that's it


Saturday, 20 February 2016

Giving love to Ed

effing addicted to this version of give me love by the talented mr ed sheeran. 

he has a voice of an angel 

*oh ed, i volunteer to give you my luv 


Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Why is this happening...


for the past few weeks i've been trying hard to catch up with my writing on few of my previous trip but it is getting so hard for me to put up all those words. i'm out of words. i find it very hard for me to describe the events that had happened. takde idea langsung. nope. nada. oh whyyy is this happening to me?

i really want to share lots of things but i just don't know how to put it properly into words. tulis satu dua ayat then terus jadi draft je. sampai sudah tak siap-siap. ahahah. oh gosh, writing a post should not be this hard! but why... asal takde idea langsung nak tulis. maybe sebab lama sangat dah kut tak menulis sebab sibuk dengan segala hal lain. bila tengah cuti dan ada masa free nak tulis tapi tak dapat nak gunakan dengan sebaik mungkin. adoii. lepas tu bila academic semester dah start, menyesal semula sebab tak guna time cuti untuk update segala jadah ni. yeah, bagi alasan je kan kau zafirah... ahahah

tapi serious la, asal susah sangat eh?? i do have to admit that my so called writing skill ni memang dah berkarat tapi i never thought it will eventually be this bad. haduududu. why why why... adakah ini sebab i am being too ambitious with my style of writing or am i overthinking about the content of this blog? entah lah nak... apa dah jadi niii. cuti sem pun dah nak habis, lepas ni dah busy semula dengan varsity life so i don't know about the direction of this so called blog. i have no plans on quitting this blog or taking a hiatus but i'm have no doubt that these two events will eventually happen without me even realizing it. lol. sedar sedar je dah dua tiga bulan tak update. 


what to do

what to do di doo di doo

*btw, if you guys have any idea or solutions to help me with this situation, please leave a comment below. xx

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Hello February!!


firstly, happy belated new year everyone!! i was so busy with my finals and outbound programme last january hence i didn't manage to write anything in this space. so yeah that's the case. i just got back from the brunei darussalam after spending two weeks there undergoing global discovery programme conducted by universiti brunei darussalam (UBD). it was an eye opening experience for me. i'll tell you more about it later can ah? 

hmm what else...

oh ya, i got three weeks left to have my freedom before new semester kicks in and drowns me again! lols. i still haven't start writing on my last trip to spain and i have no idea when i'm going to start! gosh, i am such a lazy blogger. but don't fret peeps, it will eventually be up on this blog sooner or later. that i promise you.

that's about it i guess.

till then ;)