Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The Sisterhood


setelah bertahun lamanya tidak bersua muka, the girls came for a raya visit. gosh!!. thank you so so so much to gemok bell and syikin for coming all the way from kuantan. huuuu. sampai jugak korang akhirnyaaaa.*terharu

speechless i am. 

heeeeeeee. bila dah lama tak jumpa tu, macam macam perasan ada. yang pastinya, rindu yang telah kian lama bertakhta dalam hati ini terubat jua akhirnya. lol. ayat. though ahli sisterhood of mengeteh tak cukup sebenarnya, we had fun nonetheless. 

oleh itu, us girls ber-photoshoot di kebun tepi bilik iolls buat kenang- kenangan.

menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba

si kumbang dan bebunga

kerang 1, kerang 2 dan kerang 3

izyan khatim next trip kau kena ada!!

credits to my bro izzul for taking these decent pictures.and the simple gathering was continued at SHAH on the morrow.

assalamulaikum SHAH Pekan!

meet a part of bros and sis from eximius

haihhhhhh, bila melepak dengan you people kasi tujuh hari tujuh malam pun takkan cukup. but yeah, every good thing must come to an end. till then girlfriends!! before that,  best off luck in your everything. stay awesome!!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014



ok, kita sambung cerita pasal result upu. honestly saying, i don't have any idea course iollss dapat ni macam mana. dulu time apply untuk autonomi UM, iolls main bedal je apply. tengok gitu gitu, macam best. pastu apply. takde la pikir lelama sangat sebab awal awal dulu boleh ingatkan boleh kemaskini. fyi, i didn't even apply the course in upu pun. so kiranya memang dapat under autonomi la ni. nak sangat kan. sebab senang nak lari balik chenor in case apa apa and i'm enjoying the campus. gebang habis time interview bila kena condemn sikit pasal pointer ke apa buat confident je. bahahaha. 

bila dah dapat tahu result semalam aku agak terkesima sebenarnya. sebab tak berani nak berharap sangat. pointer dulu pun macam cukup-cukup makan je. though course yang aku dapat ni second choice, tapi rasanya macam lagi ok dari pilihan first choice aku. entahlah, aku ni memang almost everytime blur je bila pasal plan kehidupan di masa hadapan.(pffft, ayat) i'm glad right now cause at least one thing was sorted out. berserabut kepala sebelum ni. berbuih dah mulut menjawab soalan cepu emas yang berdas das dari sekalian manusia bila tanya pasal degree ni, lagi lagi time raya ni. fuhh. at least i have an answer to my long anticipated waiting. 

masalahnya sekarang, ada baki dua minggu lagi nak prepare segala jadah dokumen and barang. dengan sijil spm yang tak ambik laginya. tu satu hal. and tonight, idk where did this feeling come from, but it seems like i got cold feet bila mengenangkan MHS dan peristiwa peristiwa yang bakal menyusul. this is a completely new phase maaaan. mana tak cuak. pasum dulu lain. and zaf if you think pasum was hard, i bet your bachelor studies is going to be harder. oh yeahhh babe! embrace the challenge!! 

cuak. cuak. cuak. cuak. cuak. bila tengok list of subjects that i'll be studying. i was like "boleh ke kau ni??" yup. my level of insecurities is that high. and i can safely assume that it's genetic. hehehe. mak cu ada cakap yang time dekat uni ni la kita kena start ber-networking dengan semua orang. goshhh. tu yang aku paling gelabah ni. dah lah memang tak berapa ok kalau bab bab ni. tapi apakan daya, demi masa depanku yang belum tentu cerah or kelam, akan ku cuba sedaya upaya ber-networking sebab aku bukan duduk dalam campus belajar je selama lamanya. habis belajar mesti nak kerja bagai kan?? time tu la kut baru sedar segala jadah social activities ni penting. and yang pastinya, memang dah berzaman aku di-inform yang kau kena aktif kat um kalau nak stay dalam campus. if that what it takes for me to survive, i'm  willing to join any society. even suksis.(mu ye dok) 

haihhh. rasanya boleh lah aku slow slow go through registration form. dua minggu lagi wehhh. 

Eid and UPU

hi, helloooooooooooooooooo

salam labaran guys. 
technically syawal kan sebulan. so sekarang ni raya mood is still on. tak ke gitu??

raya tahun ni, almost everything have been so far so good, kutipan duit raya pun ok though terdapat penyusutan. haishh. sepatutnya makin besar makin banyak.

it was indeed a blessing, to celebrate raya with the fam. i am so so grateful. alhamdulillah. the pictures below pretty much explains it all. hehe

umi engku and kak long

mata kecik. silau ya amat.

cam tak ready je. haha

wan and che wan fefeeling fabulous

 ni iklan ubat gigi tak berbayar
buah hati hati pengarang jantung eveybody tengah perasan comel.

on the other side of the story,

it was nationally known that the UPU results were announced yesterday. alhamdulillah. i was given the chance to further my studies in bachelor of science (science and technology studies) in UM. well i know some of you might have wondered like "course amende ni?? ". almaklomlah, iolls bukannya dapat course yang famous amos macam BDS, MBBS, pharmacy ke engine in apa apa ke. nevertheless, i believe that this is the best for me based on my abilities and i couldn't ask for more. lagipun ini qada dan qadar kan? 

bila dipikirkan semula, bersepah lagi orang kat luar tu yang nasib lagi menyedihkan dari kita. sooooooo, bersyukurlah. it is indeed a very simple thing to do yet sometimes many of us forget about it. again. be grateful guys.

to my friends who were slightly/greatly unsatisfied with the university placement, Al-Baqarah verse 216 pretty much explains it all.

"but perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing that is bad for you. and Allah Knows, while you know not" -Al-Baqarah verse 216

there's more to come regarding all these degree stuff  in the next post(if by any chance aku rajin nak tulis)