Saturday, 12 July 2014


kudos Oranje for all your efforts!!
t'was an enjoyable time seeing you guys play in the wc
a spot in the final would be lovely but, second runner up is okay what
until next four years
hup holland hup!!

because KAX is too mainstream, kitty oranje pun boleh!

salah jersi ke bang?? rasanya pagi tadi sokong brasil. LOL.

just hope and pray that you can keep the smile tonight. the germans are soooo gonna
beat the crap out of argentina. muahahaha

Thursday, 10 July 2014

oranje, oh my!


i never thought that seeing your favorite team loses in world cup semi-final would be this frustrating. sheeeesh. never intended to support any team in the very beginning. heh, i didn't even planned on watching  pun. tapi entah ce mana, sebab dok jadi match updater kat adinda kesayangan, dah tersangkut tengok. 

until now, idk why i support the oranje. maybe because they never win the cup. so it would be nice to see them with the cup. they played good for the first few games. so i was like, ' hmmm, boleh lah support team ni, macam ada harapan pi final" .but lama-lama macam makin alamak. nasib nasib je. penalti di sini, penalti di sana. apa apa pun, i bet this jasper cillessen guy did his best in trying to stop the penalty kick. tapi apakan daya. poor him. tapikan, he's quite cute tho. sekali pandang, cam eminem pun ada. lol. 

dulu, mati mati cakap tak kan bangun kalau match awal pagi. but this morning was the only exception. semangat lah sangat kononnya nak tengok netherlands. sekali hamik kau, 120 mins of goal-less match. pastu kalah penalti. bummer! that shouldn't happen tho. how unlucky! kalau macam ni la, baik sambung tidur. anyways, even if the dutch can make it to the finals, i dont think they can beat the german. kehkeh. 

and the end of the day, it's just a game.
let's not forget bout our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
keep the prayers comin.

*ze pictures: courtesy of the web

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

cause i want it that way

idk why i kept on replaying this song tonight. i guess my ears do need their break from all the new stuffs. indeed this is a feel good song. tapikan, lawak ah tengok the singers. hehehe. 

ok tu je.