approximately a week ago or so, on the same day
the night before the last paper,
at the cafe
"habis paper bi esok nak buat apa?"
"keluar jom!"
"nak buat apa? pergi mana?"
out of the blue,one of us said...
"cam best. boleh gak."
"tapikan...... aku tak pernah try"
"aku pun!"
"aku..... pun"
"aku pernah sekali je. tapi tu pun dengan kawan aku yang terror."
"kita tibai je"
Berbekalkan semangat yang kental the four of us went to royale bintang damansara ice skating rink.
here we go...
the first challenge was to wear the frigging shoes. i never thought that it would be that hard. but, in that i succeeded. ahhhhh..... the trepidation. mak aih. sampai je dekat ice rink tu i was like "hell no, it's so slippery! how am i gonna walk/skate/slide on that?!" im not gonna make it. am not. not. gonna. make. iiiiiit. tapi takkan kita nak biarkan 25 hengget melayangkan gitu je kan?! so, nak ke tak nak, kau dah sampai. dah siap pakai kasut bagai. there was no turning back girl.
in less than 5 minutes, dah ada 2/3 percubaan yang dilakukan oleh kitorang untuk bergolek atas ice. tapi, kita kena control macho kan?!tak ke gitu?! so we tried our best to move our feet on the ice. i could barely called it walking. mihihih. jalan ke hulu. jalan ke hilir di tepi rink. nak main dekat tengah tengah takut kena langgar. almaklumlah, skater amateur. even berjalan dengan memegang bende biru tu pun aku boleh ter-slide. bukkkk. malu memang tak payah cakap la. konon gelak gelak padahal nak nangis pun ada.
then there was this little girl. irina if i was not mistaken. she volunteered herself to sort of teach us the rightful way to skate. hehehe. she started skating when she was eight. now at twelve, she is a pro. weolls?! at eighteen baru menjejakkan kaki. hasilnya, sorang sorang jatuh tergolek. except armi. terror betul dia. from what i could remember, irina cakap kaki bukak kecik V. time nak jalan langkah kecik kecik. "kecik, kecik, kecik" that was my mantra for the next hour. however, the mantra cannot prevent me from falling. i keep falling, i keep falling*yuna style* lebih dari 5 kali aku jatuh for sure. dengan naomi dah duaaa kut. ngeh. sendiri tergolek, lagi banyak. the epic falling of zafirah i could simply called it. the last time jatuh memang yang paling hebat. boleh beku punggung bertapa atas ice.
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the last hour i managed to skate(more like moon-walking sebenarnya) dekat tengah tengah rink.thanks to our instructor!! ok lah tu. first time kan? cuba bayangkan kalau aku start train dari kecik kecik, confirm jadi pro lah!! cakap besar ye kau zaf!
that night,
"kau ada minyak tak?"
"ada. yang ni dia tulis boleh guna untuk sakit sendi dan sengal otot. nah"