a great new song by a great not-so-new singer. favourite song at the moment.
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now I just want to know you better know you better know you better now I just want to know you better know you better know you better now I just want to know you know you know you
selepas tambah tolak darab bahagi, dah dalam 4 minggu jugak aku tak balik. and i've been feeling homesick. yup, honestly i'm homesick. though aku ni tinggal di asrama sejak dari form 1. btw, siapa cakap budak asrama tak pernah rasa homesick??haha. dan hectic schedule memburukkan lagi tahap ke-homesick-an aku.
so imma starting my countdown to friday-28/6 where i'll be going home
ada so-called pepatah saying "time asasi ni kena cepat tukar gear, tak boleh main main. dan sekarang ni kena tukar gear 5". my problem right now is that i couldn't find the clutch. guane ni??!!
so now ni i'm furthering my studies in foundation of science in....... p&c. the truth is, after one week of lecture, i've been feeling that i've got no chemistry with science . guane tu?! aku ingatkan aku boleh survive lagi dengan science subject. tapi lama lama, aku rasa macam dah hilang minat. and tetiba aku rasa macam aku sanggup hafal kitab kitab sejarah/law/philosophy yang tebal tebal tuh.
the major problem was that i've already made the decision to further my studies in science stream a few months before. and it was done without really considering my true ability and my minat/passion etc etc. somehow i do feel that i'm obligated to further my studies in science because of............ let it be a secret. so salah siapa sekarang ni?? i've no one to blame except for myself
untuk masa ni aku tak jumpa jalan penyelesaian. dan tindakan yang paling logik buat masa ini ialah teruskan dengan keputusan aku tu. what done is done. bab-bab sama ada aku boleh excel ke tak tu... panjang sikit cerita dia. and i'm praying hard right now so that my minat can be shifted/ditukar or etc etc.
come hell or high water, life goes on and it ain't getting easier. that's all
ha-di-ha. i cannot believe i've entered a new chapter in the so-called Zafirah's Odyssey. just so you know, i got accepted to Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya (PASUM). honestly, i was dumbfounded sebab dapat masuk situ. sampai seminggu aku jadi biol jap. hahaha.
since the new chapter of life as an asasians didn't officially start yet, aku nak cerita prologue dia dulu iaitu Minggu Haluan Siswa aka MHS. fyi, i survived one helluva awesome/awfull week. at first, i didn't know what to expect from MHS so i vow to follow the flow. by hook or by crook. meeting new people and making new friends was never ever easy for me. never. ever. easy. memang rasa nak nangis awal-awal tu. haram sorang pun aku tak kenal except for my cousin, Aqah. pathetic kan?? hahah. so habis dah the awfull part.
now comes the awesome part. haiyo... serius tak tau nak start dari mana. so aku main tebuk tebuk je la part mana yang mana masih segar bugar dalam kotak memori aku nih.
1.doing xi shua shua and gummy bear. perggghhh, memang syok gila berjoget. semua 1500++ layan dua benda alah ni.
2. tengok sir megat tembak laser dekat budak tido/main phone. yang paling tak boleh tahan tengok orang sebelah aku yang kena laser sebab tidur time taklimat di DTC. nak terburai perut aku tahan gelak. hahahahha. sorry ye Aqah.
3. berlari ke hulu dan ke hilir. since there were 1500 pasum students yang kena di-transport dari kolej 12 ke merata-rata UM. memang haywire lah. so untuk mengelakkan segala bagai masalah, pergerakan memang kena express. nak tak nak, kau lari! memang 'best gila'
4. The Malam Penutup was great though aku teramat sangat mengantuk. pancit lari time explorace petang tu. UM tu dah la 'kecik'. memang terbaik!! the performance by kesperians and faci was...................200% total pure awesomeness. nak runtuh DTC time weolls cheer tengok sir megat ber-gummy bear dan ber-xi shua shua. saat yang ditunggu tunggu oleh semua orang akhirnya tercapai. muahahahahahaha
hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... tu je kut. before that, aku nak tunjuk sikit klip gummy bear dance. enjoy!!