Thursday, 23 May 2013


hehehe...  lama dah aku update blog. senario ini terjadi dek... pffftt ayat nak skema. senang citer macam ni... lately i've been feeling numb,kering, tandus, gersang bak gurun sahara (hiperbola habis) sejak dapat tahu result UPU. i was speechless and overwhelmed when i got the news. 50% ok, 50% ko. so minggu ni memang berhempas pulas(cehhh) menyiapkan segala macam mak nenek for The Next Chapter of  Zafirah's Odyssey (tajuk nak best... pffffttt). setakat ni ini je yang hamba mampu tulis.

*berhabuk bersawang la blog ni for i-dont-know-how-many-months
till then. 

Sunday, 12 May 2013

i'm freakin dumbstruck!!


i never imagined this to happen. not in a million years. i supposed.  this may not be a big deal for some of you out there. but for me, it's one hell of a big deal.

and i was like this for the first few seconds

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

and i completed the FBI-US attorneys series


so for the past few months, i've been reading julie james's novels. and it was aaaaaaaaaaaamazinggg!! last week, i managed to bought the last book that was in the FBI-US Attorneys series titled Love Irresistibly. after reading the whole novel, i wish that i get my own AUSA(asistant US attorney) aka Mr Cade Morgan. 

Cade morgan is sinfully hot,smoldering, and one of chicago's top prosecutors in the novel. plus, he's a former football player. what not to love about that eh?? just so you know, he's the prosecutor who called Kyle Rhodes twitter terrorist. 

all in all the whole series are so addictively readable. she writes books that i could've never put down.  julie james's novel is definitely a must-read. i'll guarantee that you'll laugh out loud reading her novels ecspecially just the sexiest man alive and practice makes perfect.

till then. 
for more information, please go to

Saturday, 4 May 2013

KLIBF 2013

woot woot!! Yellllllllowwwwwwwww people!!!!!
*adrenaline overdose

so last monday i went to kay elle with dearest mak cu. matlamat utama i sebenarnya nak pergi interview untuk admission ke PASUM . so petang isnin tu sampai sana, i usha usha dulu tempat interview tu. hehe, ambil auraa sikit. cehh. padahal tak sure jalan nak ke sana macam mana. so lepas habis sesi meng-usha mak cu yang comel asked me  wether i want to go to other places. hell yeah, apa lagi!!! PWTC JOM!!!! 

hahah, sampai sana dah pukul lima lebih dan memandangkan hamba pergi ke sana pada weekdays, bookfair tu tutup awal sikit. pukul 7 dah tutup  kut kalau tak silap. masuk je dekat dalam jadi macam gini jap. 

punya la lengang PWTC tu time aku pergi. memang tahap boleh berguling dari satu hall, ke hall lain. haha, exaggerating. rata-rata aku dengar orang complain pergi sana tak nampak buku pun, nampak belakang orang ada la. tapi time aku, lengang habis. the perks of going to KLIBF on weekdays?! yayyyy for me!!!! i guess?! 

since i'm one of kipas susah mati Keith, hardcore la jugak aku rembat lawak kampus. aku tak bilang kut berapa banyak aku beli. tau tau tangan dah penuh baru pergi kaunter bayar. misi seterusnya was to find the jemari seni booth. credit to izyan khatim sebab  kasi i idea nak beli novel apa. heheh, aku tak reti sangat nak pilih novel novel melayu. macam gini aku bila jumpa booth jemari seni.

banyak gila novel yang menggoda.... serious i tak tau nak pilih yang mana. rambang mata kuasa sembilan. kununnya, nak beli Hlovate's Anthem je. tapi last last 6/7 kut novel aku rembat. banyak dapat discount punya pasal. aku pun main sauk je la.(this is one of zafirah's so-called 'strength'). pastu mula lahh lenguh nak hangkut buku tu ke hulu ke hilir.

i think....... that's all. toodles peeps. novels i dah memanggil

Friday, 3 May 2013

Flashback Friday


tengah tengah syok aku melayan youtube, tetiba terjumpa video ni. isk isk isk. sumpah aku rasa macam nak nangis bila teringat zaman aku layan disney. hell yeah, i grew up watching cadet kelly, princess diaries, tarzan, the lion king, beauty and the beast, lady and tramp, peter pan etc etc . speaking of my zaman disney, dua cerita yang aku memang addicted gila are that's so raven and lizzie mcguire. hahah, entah apa dah jadi dengan pelakon pelakon dia, yang aku tau, hillary duff aka lizzie mcguire dah kahwin and ada anak sorang . one thing is for sure, movie disney last yang aku layan are camp rock/high school musical kut... then poooffff!! no more disney phase. fyi, this video did triggered this whole flashback friday stuff.